With Leah, playing to a full house at Carolina Preserve, November 2017
The new year snuck up on me — non-music-related work, preparing to downsize, and moving took up a lot more energy and time than I would have liked. I did manage to fit in a songwriting workshop with Jon Shain and Joe Newberry, and another annual Great Guitar Camp led by Danny Gotham, both of which felt like shelter in a storm! I finally feel like I’m coming up for air, settling into a routine again, and picking up the guitar and singing on a regular basis, just like I like to 🙂
Check my dates page for upcoming gigs, both solo and with Leah Kaufman. Next up is a songwriter showcase at Summit Coffee in Davidson, NC hosted by Rob McHale. Am really looking forward to having Barry Gray (of local GrayMatter fame) join me and Leah at The Roost in May!
Also in May is my fourth Southeast Regional Folk Alliance conference, always a joy! Leah and I will be sharing our songs there at some of the “unofficial” showcases, palling around with other musicians, and learning a ton along the way.
Hope the start of this year has been good to you and yours. See you soon!